When it comes to developing a health and wellbeing strategy in construction, we have found that the following 5 elements are what every strategy needs. Download our free checklist by clicking here to help you understand how you’re performing against this framework.
Too often, we have seen organisations starting at points 4 or 5 (which are important) but usually cost more time and money. They also won’t “paper over the cracks” if points 1-3 are missing.
Prevention first – do no harm
There is no point putting great initiatives in place if, in the first instance, you’re putting your worker’s health at risk. Assess, evaluate, and control your workplace health risks.
Ensure the basic needs of your workers are met
If your employees aren’t being met with the basic requirements (i.e. being paid correctly, adequate welfare facilities, working the correct hours) then they won’t believe, you nor engage with you, when you say “your wellbeing is our number one priority” – get the basics right.
Organisational arrangements
Make sure you have clear vision and values. Having the correct policies, procedures and cultures that enable your workers to perform at their best is crucial – diversity, inclusion and respect are the key elements here.
Access to personal support
Provide access to Occupational Health, Physios, Mental Health First Aiders, EAP services and personal development opportunities (i.e. the upskilling of line-managers). These are typically reactive based services for when people need support (but there is opportunity to make these proactive).
Health promotion and added value activities
Often this is the starting point for many organisations, free fruit Fridays, yoga classes, or health campaigns. These are great but shouldn’t be instead of all the other key elements.
Then finally don’t forget to measure your success – check out our previous blog on suggested data sources.
Get in touch to find out how we can help, undertake a gap analysis or check out our strategy support pages.