Here are some of our favourite resources that we regularly call upon to support the work that we do. You’ll be able to access and number of free materials that will certainly help your business promote and protect your workers health.
BOHS: Breathe Freely
Breathe Freely is a BOHS initiative, aimed at reducing occupational lung disease in the UK, which causes significant debilitating ill-health and an estimated 13,000 deaths per year.
Health in Construction Leadership Group
The role of the HCLG is to act as both a stimulus and a catalyst in helping unify the industry in its approach to worker health protection and the promotion, adoption and implementation of best practice processes and initiatives.
Mates in Mind
Mates in Mind is a registered UK charity raising awareness, addressing the stigma of poor mental health and promoting positive mental wellbeing across workplaces. We help to make sense of available options and support employers to address mental health within their workplace.
Business in the Community Toolkits
Breathe Freely is a BOHS initiative, aimed at reducing occupational lung disease in the UK, which causes significant debilitating ill-health and an estimated 13,000 deaths per year.
People’s Health
A simple, cost-effective, digital end-to-end solution for managing occupational health in construction by B&CE
HSE – Health and Work Strategy
HSE has set three priorities for our work on occupational health – occupational lung disease, musculoskeletal disorders and work-related stress.